Animal Production Directorate (APD) is one of the Technical Directorates of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The Directorate has additional mandate to oversee operations of seven National Livestock Breeding Stations located in various parts of the country.


To develop, promote and sustain poultry and livestock production for food security, employment creation and income generation through research, effective technical support, extension services, agro-business and industry, whilst ensuring that gender and environmental issues are adequately addressed.


A well developed and efficient institution capable of formulating sound policies, providing effective technical support and promoting sustainable and profitable livestock and poultry industries for food security, nutritional adequacy and enhanced incomes.


The main functions of APD are:

  • Ensure effective and efficient implementation of Government policies on livestock and poultry
  • Promote the development of appropriate technologies on management, breeding, nutrition and housing of livestock
  • Facilitates the production of superior breeding stock from the indigenous breeds
  • Promote the development of the dairy industry in the country
  • Control of animal feed quality  both from local and imported sources
  • Issuance of permits for animal feed and ingredients for animal feed
  • Recommending issuance of permits and waivers for importation of animal production inputs
  • Promote the use of crop residues and agro industrial by – products in feeding livestock and poultry
  • Promote the improvement of the nutritive quality of rangelands by over- sowing with legumes to sustain ruminant production during the dry season
  • Promote the establishment of intensive forage production by livestock farmers
  • Promote the development of processing and marketing of livestock and poultry products
  • Facilitate the provision of stock water in livestock producing arrears where water resources are scarce


The Directorate’s main service to the public is provision of technical advice to prospective livestock entrepreneurs and technical backstopping to the livestock and poultry industry and provision of Subject Matter Specialists and livestock extension services to farmers and industries in the sub-sector.

Complaints & Comments

For further information please contact:

Animal Production Directorate
P O Box AN 5779
Accra North

Tel: 233 (0) 302 666374
Fax: 233 (0)302 662460